Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave

Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave

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Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave Is a refurbished Midmark M11 autoclave worth buying?  In our opinion they absolutely are worth it.  A new Midmark M11 autoclave can cost up to $6,000 as of the time of this article’s writing.  A quality refurbished Midmark M11-022 is going to be about 30% cheaper with a comparable warranty.  If 
Tips for buying an autoclave

Tips for buying an autoclave

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Tips for buying an autoclave In this blog post we are going to share some of our tips for buying an autoclave. The Midmark brand of autoclaves are popular in medical, dental, and veterinary offices.  In this example we’ve decided to look at the Midmark M9-020 thru -022 and M11-020 thru -022 models. 1. Where
Reasons to Sell Your Medical Equipment

Reasons to Sell Your Medical Equipment

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Sell or Trade-In Operating Room Equipment Liquidate Assets Liquidate your assets quickly and receive the best value from a partner with a sense of fairness and integrity. Buying Power Quince has the buying power to purchase large inventories of medical equipment. We Buy for Stock We stock a wide variety of medical equipment for hospitals

Shopping for a used or refurbished c-arm

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If you’ve ever considered buying or renting a used or refurbished c-arm you know there’s a lot to consider.  Whether you’re opening a new practice, performing new procedures, upgrading your equipment, or need a rental Quince Medical & Surgical LLC can help guide you. Needs and wants It’s best to determine your needs and wants
The Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

The Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

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Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment When it comes to autoclaves and sterilizers, along with a host of other pieces of medical equipment, it just makes sense to get refurbished items. “How can refurbished be as good as new?” we hear people ask. At Quince Medical & Surgical, it is our practice to apply a
How to Sterilize Medical Instruments

How to Sterilize Medical Instruments

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The Importance of Sterilization Infection control is an important part of healthcare today. As the practice seeks to continue improving the health of the population, they take steps to ensure the control of bacterial contamination through preventive strategies such as sterilization. Sterilization is an important part of patient safety in hospitals today as it ensures
What is a Defibrillator and How Does it Work?

What is a Defibrillator and How Does it Work?

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A defibrillator is a device, either manual or automatic, that is designed to deliver electric shocks to the heart of a patient suffering from any one of a number of conditions that produce dysrhythmia. Some of these conditions include: •Ventricular tachycardia •Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia •Atrial fibrillation •Ventricular fibrillation Some of these conditions are much more