Ultrasound Maintenance

Ultrasound Maintenance

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Ultrasound Maintenance One of the most common requests from our customers is for ultrasound and transducer maintenance.  Although maintenance procedures vary by manufacturer the ultrasound and transducers or probes must undergo electrical safety testing at least once a year.  For manufacturers that don’t have regular maintenance procedures they may have performance testing procedures instead. Common
Ultrasound Maintenance

Ultrasound Maintenance

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Ultrasound Maintenance One of the most common requests from our customers is for ultrasound and transducer maintenance.  Although maintenance procedures vary by manufacturer the ultrasound and transducers or probes must undergo electrical safety testing at least once a year.  For manufacturers that don’t have regular maintenance procedures they may have performance testing procedures instead. Common
Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave

Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave

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Refurbished Midmark M11 Autoclave Is a refurbished Midmark M11 autoclave worth buying?  In our opinion they absolutely are worth it.  A new Midmark M11 autoclave can cost up to $6,000 as of the time of this article’s writing.  A quality refurbished Midmark M11-022 is going to be about 30% cheaper with a comparable warranty.  If 
Tips for buying an autoclave

Tips for buying an autoclave

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Tips for buying an autoclave In this blog post we are going to share some of our tips for buying an autoclave. The Midmark brand of autoclaves are popular in medical, dental, and veterinary offices.  In this example we’ve decided to look at the Midmark M9-020 thru -022 and M11-020 thru -022 models. 1. Where
Reasons to Sell Your Medical Equipment

Reasons to Sell Your Medical Equipment

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Sell or Trade-In Operating Room Equipment Liquidate Assets Liquidate your assets quickly and receive the best value from a partner with a sense of fairness and integrity. Buying Power Quince has the buying power to purchase large inventories of medical equipment. We Buy for Stock We stock a wide variety of medical equipment for hospitals

Shopping for a used or refurbished c-arm

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If you’ve ever considered buying or renting a used or refurbished c-arm you know there’s a lot to consider.  Whether you’re opening a new practice, performing new procedures, upgrading your equipment, or need a rental Quince Medical & Surgical LLC can help guide you. Needs and wants It’s best to determine your needs and wants

Welch Allyn Certified Preventive Maintenance and Calibration

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We’re certified to work on the following Welch Allyn products: CP150 ECG/EKGs Connex Spot Monitors Connex ProBP 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device Spot Vital Signs LXi Device Spot Vital Signs Devices Contact us if you’re in need of preventive maintenance, calibration, inspection, service, or repair by a company with certified technicians.  We offer competitive pricing

FujiFilm enters C-Arm market in the United States

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FujiFilm has recently entered the C-Arm market in the United States. They debuted some of their equipment including the Persona C Surgical C-Arm and Persona RF PREMIUM at RSNA in 2020. The new products have fluoroscopic exam and digital x-ray imaging study capability. The Persona C Surgical C-Arm is currently only available in a flat
Imaging Equipment

Imaging Equipment

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C-arms are crucial for providing top-flight care. The visible-light images they deliver make it much easier for surgeons and radiologists to see and diagnose a wide variety of conditions: much more so than with devices without X-ray image intensifiers. C-arms aren’t just for doctors in clinical settings, but they can also be an exceptional tool
Maintain Medical Equipment with Quince

Maintain Medical Equipment with Quince

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Biomedical Equipment Service, Repair And Inspections Fulfill Major Demands Managing biomedical equipment has become increasingly complex in recent years because of regulatory demands, litigious patients and increased specialization of equipment. That’s why medical, dental and even veterinary practices need to find a reliable service to perform safety inspections, audits, preventative maintenance and repairs. Our services
The Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

The Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

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Benefits of Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment When it comes to autoclaves and sterilizers, along with a host of other pieces of medical equipment, it just makes sense to get refurbished items. “How can refurbished be as good as new?” we hear people ask. At Quince Medical & Surgical, it is our practice to apply a
Autoclave Service & Repair

Autoclave Service & Repair

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Autoclave and Sterilizers: Service, Repair and Preventive Maintenance Our company provides New Jersey customers with reliable inspection, repair and maintenance services for autoclaves and sterilizers. Servicing these machines can improve the daily operations of your medical business. Even if you are unaware of an issue with the equipment, you should have these devices tested on
The Importance of Autoclave Preventive Maintenance

The Importance of Autoclave Preventive Maintenance

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Importance of Autoclave Preventive Maintenance Keeping medical equipment in excellent working order protects patients and staff and contributes to proper diagnosis. Quince Medical and Surgical provides preventive maintenance services to ensure that autoclave units perform efficiently and to the manufacturer’s standards. Neglecting maintenance can cause equipment to fail or shorten its service life. Poor maintenance
Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections (NFPA99) in Healthcare Facilities

Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections (NFPA99) in Healthcare Facilities

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Technology and healthcare have synchronized, and today, it is no wonder that electrical devices are found in the rooms of patients in every hospital. Over the years, the healthcare system has developed concepts that have been able to help ensure that the healthcare environment is safe for patients, physicians and caregivers. The electrical safety inspections